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Product Code: SKID

Running Time: 16 minutes


Language: English


Version: Standard

When it comes to moving rock, dirt, mulch, and other heavy jobsite materials, the skid steer loader is one of the most useful and versatile machines available. Available with wheels or tracks, these powerful machines can dig, lift, carry, dump, and spread various types of materials. These machines are known as skid steers because they turn by slowing or completely locking the wheels or track on one side of the machine. This program discusses the hazards of these machines and how to operate them safely. 

After watching the program, the viewer will be able to explain the following:


  •  The dangers associated with skid steers;
  •  How to safely mount and dismount the vehicle;
  •  Being aware of pedestrians and the surroundings outside the vehicle;
  •  The importance of a pre-use inspection;
  •  How to safely operate the machine.


Click here to download the Leaders Guide