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Product Code: HWS

Running Time: 11 minutes

Language: English

Version: Standard


There’s a lot to be said about living a healthy lifestyle. There are a number of benefits of feeling happy and healthy, both at home and at work. Your employer may have a health and wellness program that encourages you to engage in activities that promote healthy living. And, even if your company doesn’t have a formal program in place, there are a number of things you can do yourself to improve your overall health and wellness. In this program, we’ll talk about some of the ways your employer aims to protect your health on the job and also discuss those things each of us can do on our own to promote a healthy lifestyle.

After watching the program, the participant should be able to explain the following:

  • Various health hazards that can be found at work;
  • Ways to improve your health;
  • What to do when sickness occurs;
  • Employee Wellness Programs.

 Click here to download the Leader’s Guide